Regular cleanings at Mona Lisa Smile Dental Office in San Ramon help keep teeth clean and healthy through thorough exams provided by a certified dental hygienist. A cleaning includes removal of tartar and plaque, which can build up and cause inflammation and disease if left untreated. The teeth are also polished during teeth cleaning to remove stains and further buildups of plaque that may not be removed during regular tooth brushing.
Plaque is the colonization of natural oral bacteria on food debris that remains on the surface and in the crevices of the teeth and gums. Combining with minerals in the saliva, it ultimately forms a hard, rough sediment known as dental tartar or calculus which attracts further plaque buildup. Calculus must be removed by a dental professional for the prevention of periodontal disease.
Teeth cleaning of calculus may be performed by a licensed dental hygienist or dentist, either by manual scaling of the teeth, or with an ultrasonic device. The choice of technique is a personal preference by the hygienist or wishes of the patient. Most states permit trained dental hygienists to administer local anesthetic and nitrous oxide (laughing gas), often necessary for deep periodontal scaling and root planing.
We understand how uneasy some patients may feel about their dental visits, and how we can make a difference in providing a relaxing and positive experience. Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with excellent, personalized care and service to make your visits as comfortable and pleasant as possible.